We choose appropriate shipping methods for delivery. Orders are then shipped via FBA, FedEx, United States Postal Service, DHL or SF EXPRESS. When your product ships, you’ll receive another email with the tracking information. If you prefer other shipping methods, please contact the seller for help.
At present, BabyExo can ship products to the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Japan and Spain. Customers from other countries who want to purchase BabyExo product should contact BabyExo customer service(customerservice@babyexo.com) first before making an order.
Please contact us to describe the error you are getting. If possible please send us a screenshot of the error message. Or you are kindly advised that you can make payment by another PayPal.
You can track your order at any time online via our Order Status page. Alternatively, you can track the order directly on the carriers’ website using the tracking number.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will gladly accept your return within 30 days from the date of delivery. All online orders need to be returned to our warehouse ( NOT our office address). Please send us an email at customerservice@babyexo.com for detailed RETURN PROCESS
It will take around 3-5 working days for the parcel to arrive back with us and the return/refund will be done within 5 working days. Generally, it will take 2 - 3 weeks for the refund to appear on your bank account. Please contact us if you have further questions about your refund status.
We offer 1-Month MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and 1-Year QUALITY WARRANTY. You can send the faulty one to our address and after inspection, we will send a replacement/process refund under our standard delivery terms.